Sunday, November 14, 2010

おりがみ!(origami) :)


After moving back from tokyo, I forgot most of the japanese I had learned, but not some of the japanese traditions! mainly: how to make origami.   Its a lot easier to practice making origami than japanese.

right now I can make: crane, cup, doll, ninja star, bunny (うさぎ), flashing camera, jumping frog, balloon, a box, lotus flower, tulip, and probably some others that I cannot think of right now.

I really like making origami, usually cranes, out of things that are not origami paper.  Usually with gum wrappers or recites, I make tiny tiny cranes.  

My sister and I (when we lived in Tokyo circa 1999) once tried to make a cup (a very simple, three fold origami) out of our bedroom carpet.  It was huge, and could only stay together if we were holding up the rug.

here is a youtube link of a cool animation of crane making:
one of the comments is in japanese and has some of our vocab in it!

1 comment:

  1. ほんと!!!!! Oh wow!!! I am so impressed with you!!! This is my first time looking at your blog and you are my new hero!!!! にほんに 2ねん(years)ごろ いきました!とても おもしろかったです! たのしかったですか?This is sooo cool! にほんのなかに どこに いきましたか? (Where did you live?) I can't get over how cool this is! どんな がっこに いきましたか? (What kind of school did you go to?) とてもアメリカじんのひとが ありましたか? (Was it all American students there?) How did I not know any of this! What was it like living there for 1.5 years? How much did you learn? of Japanese... OMG! SOOO COOL! You are a very cool individual!
    Okay, moving on, I LOVE ORIGAMI!!! Can you make all those things from memory? The only thing I can make from memory is a crane, but I have this massive origami book at home and I can make almost all the stuff in it. We should ask sensei if we can do a chain of 1000 cranes for our class. That would be totemoiidesu! haha I am so excited to learn all this stuff about you! Oh, I forgot to say that I also make random pieces of paper into cranes. We are like twins! haha Also, that thing you said about making bed-sheets into a cup sounds very cool. I would like to do that. Did you take pictures of it, cuz I would love to see them.
    I am so upset that I have never looked at your blog before! I didn't know who Rebecca was! In conclusion, you are amazing!!!
